Tuesday 1 December 2009

Alister Cooling Jailed For Child Porn

27-year-old Alister Cooling has been sentenced to six months in jail for downloading sickening child porn films onto his three laptop computers. Cooling spent up to five hours a day on Buffy the Vampire Slayer message boards where he went by the alias of Edmund Blackadder or Philatious Winthrope Soggybottom III.

One Buffy Board member said, “Deep down he was obviously a great liar and someone who thought he would never get caught out or that to himself he'd be lucky.”

Cooling, who lived in Addington Road, Croydon, was arrested in a special edition of Channel 5’s Vice Squad television programme and charged by police in front of the TV cameras.

He at first claimed that he had downloaded the 43 films and 745 images of children being abused by accident. When questioned further he broke down in tears and claimed he was obsessed with child porn.

In the dock, Cooling changed his story for a third time and told the court he downloaded the films, which included crying and screaming children as young as five being raped, because he was abused as a child. The prosecution pointed out that if it was to understand past abuses then why did he download videos of girls only.

See Cooling get arrested on Channel Five’s Vice Squad Show HERE. (registration is free)